Uso del Modelo AERMOD para la estimación de la dispersión de material particulado proveniente de la industria ladrillera en la Zona Metropolitana De Oaxaca




traditional brick klins, AERMOD, particulate matter, numerical simulation models


Air pollution is one of the environmental and public health major issues in México and the world, contributing to increasing a variety of respiratory diseases. In the Oaxaca Metropolitan Area (ZMO), as well as other metropolitan areas of the country, the presence of traditional brick klins without emission control systems and a variety of fuels employed as energy sources for brick firing have been notorious through the last decades. The above promotes high concentrations of pollutants such as carbon monoxide and particulate matter.  On the same way, a lack of atmospheric monitoring systems with an adequate quality control of information leads to a lack of knowledge with scientific and technical support for decision makers that contributes to planning solutions. Because of the above, the use of numerical simulation models can be considered as a low-cost tool, with easier access and helpful for potential resolutions of a variety of environmental problems. In the present work a special census was taken in the ZMO, among others it was identified:  geographical coordinates of traditional brick klins, dimensions, periods of work and fuel used. Seven representative brick klins were selected, due to their locations in the study area, to estimate the emissions of particulate matter considering those from AP-42 compilations. Meteorological data used were from December 1st 2016, from 06 to 18 UTC and generated through the Weather Research and Foresting Model (WRF) considered a grid dispersion from 20 m up to 5 km. Data were processed in the Mesoscale Model Interface Program (MMIF) to continue processing with AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD). Once the modeling results were obtained, the visualization was done by geographic information system to identify the particulate matter dispersion as well as the potential impacted areas and those sites with significant high concentrations.


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How to Cite

Mateos Zarate, A. F., Benitez-Garcia, S.-E., Hernandez-Ortega, F., & Ortinez-Alvarez, A. (2023). Uso del Modelo AERMOD para la estimación de la dispersión de material particulado proveniente de la industria ladrillera en la Zona Metropolitana De Oaxaca. Revista Científica De Ingenierías Y Arquitectura, 2(1), 18–27.


