Development of a prototype for the detection of blast cells in peripheral blood samples through computer vision, contributing to the clinical diagnosis of leukemia.


  • Angel Hernández Gómez Universidad La Salle Oaxaca
  • Isamayi Meyli Velasco Rodríguez Universidad La Salle Oaxaca
  • Fabiola Guadalupe Martínez Rangel Universidad La Salle Oaxaca
  • Luis Alberto Alonso Hernández Maestro en Ciencias en Desarrollo Regional y Tecnológico, Tecnológico Nacional de México / Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca



Canny algorithm, Medical field, Blasts, Disease diagnosis, Leukemia


Leukemia is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal blood cells in the bone marrow, posing a critical medical issue globally. This condition affects both children and adults, and if not detected and treated in a timely manner, it can lead to severe health consequences. This work addresses the critical issue of timely leukemia diagnosis in Mexico and worldwide, proposing a potential solution through the implementation of artificial intelligence-based pattern detection algorithms in medical images for early detection and accurate diagnosis of this disease.

Computer vision emerges as a precise and consistent tool that surpasses human limitations in visual information processing. The benefits of the functional prototype aim to contribute significantly to the improvement of medical care and the quality of life of patients through the early detection of blast cells in blood samples.

In this context, the emphasis is placed on seeking a solution to the presented problem, highlighting the benefits of the functional prototype that aims to contribute significantly to the improvement of medical care and the quality of life of patients through the early detection of blast cells in blood samples. Additionally, the adopted development methodology is outlined, ensuring an organized and coherent structure throughout the design, construction, and validation of the prototype. Finally, the obtained results are presented, allowing us to conclude that the application of the Canny algorithm positively influences the detection of blasts in digital images for the early identification of leukemia-causing cells.


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How to Cite

Hernández Gómez, A., Velasco Rodríguez, I. M., Martínez Rangel, F. G., & Alonso Hernández, L. A. (2024). Development of a prototype for the detection of blast cells in peripheral blood samples through computer vision, contributing to the clinical diagnosis of leukemia. Revista Científica De Ingenierías Y Arquitectura, 3(1), 22–37.


