Computer vision modeling and motion control for mobile robot navigation




Computer vision, Python, Arduino, OpenCV, Numpy


This writing addresses the development for the interaction of a mobile robot in dynamic environments by integrating computer vision and motion control. It emphasizes the importance of real-time object detection and tracking to achieve safe navigation in practical applications. Despite advancements in computer vision and robotic control, challenges persist in adapting to unpredictable environments. Therefore, the proposed solution consists of a system that combines image processing techniques and robotic control. The prototype's design utilizes open-source hardware and software such as Python, Arduino, OpenCV, and Numpy. Arduino programming is employed to control a four-motor vehicle using a Bluetooth HC-05 module, while computer vision development tracks objects of different colors in real-time, sending commands to Arduino based on the detected color. The project is considered an advancement in mobile robotics by developing an integrated system that enables robots to navigate safely in dynamic environments. The combination of computer vision and motion control is presented as a practical solution supported by detailed testing.


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How to Cite

Sibaja Galindo, E., Bacilio López, B. L., Quintana Ramirez, R., Carrasco Francisco, J. A., & Rodríguez Santiago, A. L. (2024). Computer vision modeling and motion control for mobile robot navigation. Revista Científica De Ingenierías Y Arquitectura, 3(1), 38–51.


